VW Bus Treffen Schwarzsee

Last saturday we went to the vw bus gathering at the Schwarzsee. There were more than 460 VW Busses present from all different types. I had the impression, to see less vehicles than last time, but comparing the pictures from 2009, I’m not so sure anymore. It’s amazing in how good a shape some of the vintage hippie mobiles still are.

By accident we discovered a DVD of “The Bus” movie on the bugbus booth. It was apparently crowd-funded by a kickstarter campain.

Of course I went for a short flight, to see the event from the top, while Mirella and the kids listened to a “Guggämusig”.

The drive there was a good opportunity to test the SPOT Connect that I got for my birthday. [map link] Contrary to my previous understanding, It doesn’t provide internet connectivity, but allows to send custom messages to pre-defined phone numbers and eMail addresses. As the simpler SPOT devices, it contains a transmit only unit for the GlobalStar satellite network. The very bad thing about it, is that it was hard to perform the required firmware upgrade. They provide the upgrade program only for Windows and Mac. But communication afterwards seems to be better, as lined out by this blog post.

Enough blabbing, pictures tell more than words:







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