Category: Family

  • The flood came close

    The last big flood around here was in 2005. Back then I lived in Schwyz and worked in Unterägeri. I could not go to work for three days because all the roads were closed due to floods and mud slides. During this event, the apartment complex that we have been living in for the last […]

  • Our temporary tree house

    I have been fascinated with tree houses for as long as I can remember. I don’t know if everybody is fascinated as much, and I don’t remember how it started. It might have been Peter Pan or the Evok bear folks in the Star Wars movie. In my teenage years, I built a simple tree […]

  • Driving around the adriatic sea

    This years summer holiday we spent in Korfu, Greece. At first we talked about Croatia, when somebody came up with the idea to go farther south to Greece. Lets begin with the important facts. This time not as accurate as for the trip to Norway, since I deactivated app access a while ago, which allowed […]

  • Road trip to Norway with the Tesla

    Our last road trip was a while back. After we returned from South America, we planned that our next big trip with the Büssli would be to Scandinavia. But we figured that family holidays with small kids are better stationary at one camp ground. Now that the kids are old enough, we didn’t trust the […]

  • Game modding with pen and paper

    I have lots of good memories from youth camps. Some involve playing Donkey Kong and Mario Brothers while sitting on trees. Another classic video game was Asteroids. When I recently read an article in a German magazine about building an Asteroids clone with an Arduino and an OLED, lots of old memories resurfaced. The source […]

  • drive in cinema

    The last time I was in a drive in cinema was about ten years ago. At the place I was in Volketswil, they no longer organize these events. So I was looking from time to time for another place. The ones I found were too far away. Then I saw an advertisement for Hinwil. It […]

  • A holiday that didn’t start so well

    Büssli Our camper van suffered three ripped cooling water hoses in the last two months. Together with my brother who is the engineer in charge of maintaining our vehicles, we looked for the source of the troubles. Although not entirely sure, after a test ride I was confident that we found and fixed it. We […]

  • Ultra short throw projector

    Watching TV can be really expensive if you turn on the TV only for a couple of hours every year. We still have to pay the full CHF 460 annual fee even if we use it only 4 to 5 hours a year. That’s an insanely high CHF 100 per hour. What we do more […]

  • the infinity mirror

    Lately while browsing through thinkgeek, I stumbled upon the infinite dungeon corridor. It looks cool, but they still have no affordable shipping options. That got me thinking that it should be possible to make an infinite mirror with the kids. It didn’t take long to find a recipe for how to go about it. Finding […]

  • How much luggage fits into a vintage grand tourer?

    Our camper has an engine problem, so we had to look for alternatives for this years summer holiday. We looked at last minute offers, but bringing all our own food to Greece didn’t seem like such a good plan. The kids wanted to sleep in a tent anyway, so we went to Tenero in the […]