My most special RunAndFly

After I wrote the article for the SwissGlider magazine about my RunAndFly adventures, I thought that I should have written also about the most special of them. It happened last autumn, but I will write about it now anyway half a year later.
It was a Saturday in September. The alarm clock rang as usual at 6AM. I got up, drank a bit and got dressed. Soon after, I started to run. Since I didn’t have to go to work, I decided to go to the Euw which is higher and farther than the takeoff I usually run to, halfway up the Urmiberg. To get to the Euw, I usually run through the forest up to the the cablecar that goes from Morschach to Stoos. While running up in the Ingenbohl forest, it was still dark but the air looked clean and calm. After the cablecar, the track becomes steeper, and running half an hour uphill also left its toll. That’s why I usually hike this part. While hiking up to the Euw, I observed that a layer of fog was starting to build up. By the time I reached the intended takeoff, the fog layer was quite compact and covered all of Brunnen and Schwyz. Only above Ibach there was a hole big enough to fly through. When I was done with preparing the glider, also this hole was closed. I waited a couple of minutes hoping the fog would lift again.
After a while I figured instead of waiting, I could climb through the rocks all the way to the Fronalpstock. But there was one limitation. Because it was my birthday, my wive prepared my favorite meal: filet in a dough. Hence I wanted to be absolutely certain to be home for lunch. I wanted to climb this route for a long time, and so did my 12 year old son. It was actually good that I did it the first time without him. Now that I know it, I wouldn’t go with him yet. By the time I reached the summit, the sun had risen, but the fog still covered everything from Rickenbach to Brunnen.
Only the Moutathal valley was fog free. So I could fly down to the Euw, as Morschach was also in the fog, and run down the hill back home from there. Or I could fly to Muotathal, and run home from there. This might be farther, but more or less flat. I opted for the latter, as I thought I would be home sooner with running on the flat. The flight was quite nice, actually my longest to date with the single skin glider.
After I packed the glider, I started running. But after only two km, still far from home, I was exhausted. My body didn’t recover during the flight from climbing 1’500 meters with little to drink and nothing to eat. I only carry essential stuff for the RunAndFly in my backpack. That doesn’t include money nor a face mask. Thus I could not take the bus. So I tried to hitch hike. But who would give a ride to a guy in clothes that were soaked with sweat a short while ago during a pandemic? A couple of cars left me standing. But after a while on older guy picked me up. He told me he would never in his live fly with a paraglider. And it turned out, he went to school together with my father. Those coincidences are sometimes funny. He drove me to Ibach. And from there I went back home on my own, half running half walking.
When I analyzed the GPS track afterwards I saw that I only needed little more than two hours from Brunnen to the Fronalpstock, not counting the stationary time for preparing, waiting and packing on the Euw.





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