Tag: trezor

  • Electrum 2.7 with better multisig hardware wallet support and Ledger Nano S

    Electrum has been my favorite Bitoin wallet software for a very long time. The reason I had a look at it initially was because there was a debian package. Only when Trezor hardware wallet support was added and was not yet released, I downloaded the sources. It is written in Python. I work with python […]

  • Trezor BitCoin HardwareWallet

    Today I received my Trezor BitCoin HardwareWallet. When I ordered it in June 2013, the expected delivery Date was October. But as it happens all that often with BitCoin related hardware, the dates get pushed back. They offered a device with plastic case for XBT 1 and one with an alloy case for XBT 3. […]