Tag: raspberrypi

  • sniffing i2c with the BusPirate

    I received my BusPirate v4 a while ago, but didn’t really use it so far. That’s a cool analysis/debug tool for serial buses such as uart, spi, i2c and the like. For me i2c is the most interesting. From time to time, the communication doesn’t work as it should, and so far, I worked it […]

  • RaspberryPi reading analog input using an AtTiny through i2c

    The raspberrypi has some GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) pins. That’s great for experimenting with electronics for example sensors and actuators. It’s totally different than an Arduino in many respects, but that’s something they have in common. Some of the pins have special functions. For example SPI, I2C, UART … There is a breakboard adapter […]