A blog about personal projects and experiences

  • Ultra short throw projector

    Watching TV can be really expensive if you turn on the TV only for a couple of hours every year. We still have to pay the full CHF 460 annual fee even if we use it only 4 to 5 hours a year. That’s an insanely high CHF 100 per hour. What we do more […]

  • Winter is not over yet

    Once more I was lucky, picking the perfect day to go speedflying in Andermatt. I could complete a couple of flighs like the following one: click here for a screen filling version Your browser does not support the video tag.

  • SIX fintech hackathon

    I learned of hackathons before. It sounded interesting, but either they were too far away, the topic was not interesting enough, or the date was already booked. This time was different. The topic is really what made it interesting enough. FinTech is about new technology in finance. I’m sure there was innovation in the financial […]

  • Super secure BitCoin storage

    I wrote about multisig with different hardware wallets something more than a year ago. Back then It was awfully complicated and I didn’t really get it working. A lot of progress has been made since then. The functionality was added to electrum last summer for trezor. I couldn’t test it however because my two trezor […]

  • keepkey premium bitcoin hardware wallet

    I’m always interested when a new hardware wallet is announced. Naturally also for the keepkey. In contrast to most competitors, they didn’t take pre-orders. Instead they began to accept orders only when the product was finished and they were ready to ship. When they announced that the devices were finished and could be ordered, I […]

  • case bitcoin hardware wallet

    Part of the reason why I pre-ordered a case hardware wallet, was probably that there is no good wallet software on ubuntu phone. But the case is way more secure than a software wallet on a phone. Roughly the same size of the smallest feature phone you can buy, it contains an eInk display, a […]

  • let’s encrypt

    I never bought a commercial grade SSL certificate for my private website, but I used free ones before. Usually from startssl. While it worked, the process was cumbersome. And then when I wanted to renew, my browser showed a warning that their own certificate was out of order. When the letsencrypt initiative (supported by mozilla […]

  • an exact clock for a vintage car

    Since I drive my vintage XJS not too often, I disconnect the battery. This is to prevent if from going flat before I want to use it the next time. Of course it would be better to install a special charger for classic cars. But there is no outlet in the underground car park. The […]

  • the infinity mirror

    Lately while browsing through thinkgeek, I stumbled upon the infinite dungeon corridor. It looks cool, but they still have no affordable shipping options. That got me thinking that it should be possible to make an infinite mirror with the kids. It didn’t take long to find a recipe for how to go about it. Finding […]

  • Targeted advertising

    It was about two months ago when I first noticed an advertisement on some random web page that contained an image of a vintage Jaguar XJS. It was not exactly the same model as I have, but very close. Judging form the bumpers and trims it also seems to be a HE (High Efficiency), as […]